The undisputed genius of the Bronte family was Emily Bronte. An unyielding and enigmatic personality, she produced only one novel and a few poems, yet she is ranked among the giants of English Literature.

Emily Bronte's masterpiece, WUTHERING HEIGHTS, is the wild, passionate story of the intense, almost demonic, love between Catherine Earnshow and the gypsy foundling Heathcliff. The action of the story is chaotic, and unremittingly violent, its characters are less people than forces. Indeed, the novel would be extraordinarily difficult to read were it not for the power of Emily Bronte's vision and the beauty and energy of her prose. In addition, some of her powerful lyrics are counted with the best of English poetry. Emily Bronte ranks top among my favorite classical poets and writers. I am helplessly drawn to her powerful lyrical prose. She had as her sister Charlotte Bronte said the "secret power and fire that might inspire the brain and kindled the veins of a hero." One of my favorite poems of Emily Bronte is posted below...

Top Withens form another view
The Old Stoic
Riches I hold in light esteem,
And love I laugh to scorn,
And lust of fame was but a dream,
That vanished with the moon.
And if I pray the only prayer,
That moves my lips for me.
Is "Leave the heart that now I bear,
and give me Liberty!"
Yes, as my swift days near their goal;
'Tis all that I implore;
In life and death a chainless soul,
With courage to endure.
~~Emily Jane Bronte~~

and changed my ideas:they've gone through and through me,
like wine through water and altered the color of my mind."
~~Emily Jane Bronte~~
Have a wonderful and blessed weekend Bloggers!
I am Ophelia Jane Julia saying leaving you with this thought...
"Without the ingredient of love, nothing is well done...if love is missing, even miracles can leave the human spirit damaged."
God bless one and all!
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